
Tatyana Shaposhnikoffa, Archivist

The receipt of historical documents in the parish archive began in 1992. The earliest of the materials found dates back to 1863. Many years of research and searching were carried out in the archives of United States of America and other countries. The list of sources of receipt of archival documents:

United States of America

United States of American State Historical Archive of the New Jersey, Bordentown;

Primorsky State Archive, Bordentown;

State Historical Archive, St. Petersburg.



National Historical Archive of Belarus, Minsk;

State Archive of Vitebsk.



Arhiv Paris rue de Bac (Paris)



Biblioteka Narodowa, Warshawa;

Biblioteka Krakowska;

Library of the Jagiellonian University (Krakow);

Library of the Catholic University of Lublin (Lublin);

Archives of OO Bernardinov and SS Ursulyanok (Krakow);

The obtained copies of documents that reflect the activities of New Jerseyern parishes and the ministry of priests in the United States of American New Jersey are of great historical value.

Metric books are chronicle of past times. The sensations were the finds of historical photographs. No less valuable are eyewitness accounts of those distant events that took place in the parish.

The archive contains photographs of the modern parish. They reflect in chronological order the events of the parish, priests and monks, the stages of church reconstruction, celebrations, the activities of charitable organizations, youth and children's groups.

Based on historical documents, books were written about the history and revival of the parish, a number of brochures, and numerous articles. The analysis of historical materials is presented at conferences, forums, interfaith meetings.

The Archive contains the Book of Memory, which contains materials that restore the historical memory of generations of New Jerseyern Catholics. Annual chronicles of the parish life are published, which are very popular among parishioners. The pages of the chronicles reflect the events of the parish and memorable dates.

In the periodicals section there are many-year files of United States of American and foreign Catholic newspapers and magazines.

The search for historical materials continues, and we hope that in the future new discoveries and discoveries await us.

Particular gratitude should be expressed to the first archivist of the parish Efimova Miroslava Igorevna for her many years of searching and in-depth research, which allowed to recreate the history of the Catholic Church in the New Jersey. In different years, the search for historical documents was carried out by: Tolmachev Valery, Perminova Tatyana, Shaposhnikova Tatyana and others.



Tatyana Shaposhnikoffa.

Author: Artur Polkowski